
(1)Zhiyong Cao, Chuang Gong, Qiannan Xue, Hairen Wang, Qu, Jun-E, Junsong Jin, Lushi Sun, and Xinyun Wang. "Assessing the reinforced molecular/mechanical behaviors of GOs@ Mo-MOFs films deposited via electrophoresis onto microdevices: Experimental and theoretical perspectives." Journal of Chemical Physics. 160, no. 9 (2024). (IF=4.4)
(2)Gong, Chuang, Zhiyong Cao, Hairen Wang, Cong Liu, Zifeng Hu, Qu, Jun-E, Xinyun Wang, and Junsong Jin. "Experimental and theoretical investigations on new organic–inorganic silane/fullerol/α-SiC films with enhanced tribo-corrosion resistance." Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 677 (2023): 132420. (IF=5.2)
(3)Zhiyong Cao, Hairen Wang, Qu, Jun-E, Mao Zhang, Xinyun Wang, and Weishen Xia. "One step GO/DTES co-deposition on steels: Electro-induced fabrication and characterization of thickness-controlled coatings." Chemical Engineering Journal. 320 (2017): 588-607. (IF=15.1)
(4)Zhiyong Cao, Juchen Xia, Mao Zhang, Junsong Jin, Lei Deng, Xinyun Wang, and Qu, Jun-E. "Optimization of gear blank preforms based on a new R-GPLVM model utilizing GA-ELM." Knowledge-Based Systems. 83 (2015): 66-80. (IF=8.8)
(5)Qu, Jun-E, Chaoqi Yu, Rijun Cui, Jing Qin, Hairen Wang, and Zhiyong Cao. "Preparation of super-hydrophobic and corrosion resistant colored films on chemically etched 304 stainless steel substrate." Surface & Coatings Technology. 354 (2018): 236-245. (IF=5.4)
(6)Qu, Jun-E, Chaoqi Yu, Chunhui Nie, Hairen Wang, Zhiyong Cao, Yang Li, and Xinyun Wang. "A new environmentally friendly approach to prepare superhydrophobic colored stainless steel surface for decoration, anti-corrosion and self-cleaning." Journal of Materials Science. 56 (2021): 854-869. (IF=4.5)
(7)Zhiyong Cao, Hairen Wang, Yan Jiang, and Qu, Jun-E. "An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electrochemical study of the self-assembled monolayer phytic acid on the 430 stainless steel in NaCl solution." Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials. 60, no. 6 (2013): 301-306. (IF=1.2)
(8)Zhang, Mao, Di Yao, Zhiyong Cao, Pan Li, Peng Zhou, and Xinyun Wang. "Influence of oxidation on the performance of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 BMG." Intermetallics 79 (2016): 20-27. (IF=4.4)
(9)Qu, Jun-E, M. Ascencio, L. M. Jiang, S. Omanovic, and L. X. Yang. "Improvement in corrosion resistance of WE43 magnesium alloy by the electrophoretic formation of a ZnO surface coating." Journal of Coatings Technology and Research .16 (2019): 1559-1570. (IF=2.3)
(10)Chen, Yuwei, Lixia Yang, Chao Li, Yuqiu Wu, Xiao Lv, Hairen Wang, and Qu, Jun-E "In situ hydrothermal oxidation of ternary FeCoNi alloy electrode for overall water splitting." Energy & Environmental Materials (2023): e12590. (IF=15)
(11)Wu, Yuqiu, Hongqin Luo, Chao Li, Xiao Lv, Ming Du, Hairen Wang, and Qu, Jun-E. Double-layer heterostructure in situ grown from stainless steel substrate for overall water splitting." Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 954 (2024): 118029. (IF=4.5)
(12)Qu, Jun-E, J. M. Ascencio, L. M. Jiang, S. Omanovic, L. X. Yang. Improvement of Corrosion Resistance of WE43 Magnesium Alloy by Electrophoretic Formation of a ZnO Surface Coating. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, 2019, 16 :1559–1570. (IF=2.339)
(13)Qu, Jun-E, Shu Zhou, Hairen Wang, Zhiyong Cao, and Hongfang Liu. "The application of an activated carbon supported Cu-Ce/Ac oxide anode on the electrocatalytic degradation of phenol." International Journal of Electrochemical Science 12, no. 10 (2017): 9640-9651. (IF=1.5)
(14)Qu, Jun-E, Chen Geng, Hairen Wang, and Zhiyong Cao. "The protection of TDPA deposited from mixed solutions with different water/ethanol ratios for aluminum alloy against corrosion in NaCl solution." Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials. 64, no. 2 (2017): 233-240. (IF=1.2)
(15)Wang, Qijun, Feifei Wei, Devaraj Manoj, Zheye Zhang, Junwu Xiao, Xuezhu Zhao, Fei Xiao, Hairen Wang, and Shuai Wang. "In situ growth of Fe (ii)-MOF-74 nanoarrays on nickel foam as an efficient electrocatalytic electrode for water oxidation: a mechanistic study on valence engineering." Chemical communications. 55, no. 75 (2019): 11307-11310. (IF=4.9)
(16)Wang, Qijun, Shu Zhou, Song Xiao, Feifei Wei, Xuezhu Zhao, Qu, Jun-E. Qu, and Hairen Wang. "Novel perovskite-based composites, La₁₋ ₓNdₓFeO₃@ activated carbon, as efficient catalysts for the degradation of organic pollutants by heterogeneous electro-Fenton reactions." RSC advances. 8, no. 27 (2018). (IF=3.8)
(17)屈钧娥, 朱凯, 秦静, 王海人, 曹志勇等. (2020). 一种不锈钢基彩色超疏水自清洁表面的绿色制备方法. ZL 2018 1 0674539.3,发明专利.
(18)曹志勇. 一种还原氧化石墨烯/硅烷复合膜的电沉积制备方法及其用途,(2016).,中国,ZL2014 1 0150942.8,发明专利.
(20)胡梓枫,曹志勇. 结构仿生阵列触觉传感器数据采集软件 V1.0, 2024SR0208852, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2024-01-31,软件著作权.
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(24)叶蕾, 曹志勇. 基于模拟优化的激光淬火三维柔性轨迹规划与机器人离线编程技术软件V1.0, 2021SR1548340, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2021-2-16, 软件著作权.
(25)龚浩, 曹志勇. 基于工业机器人外部轴自定义开发与调试技术软件V1.0, 2022SR0842542, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2021-6-10, 软件著作权.
(26)张朝朝, 曹志勇. 基于WEB的航空环形锻件CAPP系统V1.0, 2022SR1459034, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2022-3-3, 软件著作权.
(27)雷晓星, 曹志勇, 张悦, 徐承亮. (2023). 基于复杂移动热源模拟的激光自熔覆试验研究. 湖北大学学报:自然科学版, 45(5), 774-782.
(28)曹志勇, 龚闯, 魏长伟等. 微器件表面DTMS/Mo-MOFs新型固体润滑涂层的摩损模拟与实验研究. 湖北大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 043(003):308-314.
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(30)曹志勇,夏巨谌,金俊松,王新云. 最小二乘支持向量机弯曲回弹元模型技术研究. 塑性工程学报,2017,24(4).
(31)曹志勇, 幸俊龙, 夏巨谌, 王新云. 基于改进的BP-NSGA Ⅱ算法的注塑工艺参数优化. 锻压技术, 2016,41(11).
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