
电话:027-88661729(O),15927349166 (M)
杨婷婷教授2007年于湖北大学获得材料学博士学位,同年留校任教至今。2016年在澳大利亚昆士兰大学AIBN研究所Prof. Andrew Whittaker课题组访问交流6个月,主要研究聚合物杂化新型造影剂的合成。近年来研究兴趣主要在于复杂结构高分子的可控制备以及具有生物和催化应用的硅基纳米结构的基础研究。目前已经参与或者主持国家自然科学基金2项,国家863项目子课题1项,在国内外期刊发表论文20余篇。2007年获得湖北省科技厅自然科学二等奖(排名3)。
03/2016–09/2016 访问学者,澳大利亚昆士兰大学AIBN研究所
09/2018-至今 教授,湖北大学材料科学与工程学院
04/2010–2018/09 副教授,湖北大学材料科学与工程学院
09/1997–06/2001 本科,湖北大学化学与材料科学学院,化学生物学专业(国家理科基地班)
09/2001–06/2004 硕士,湖北大学化学与材料科学学院,高分子化学与物理专业
07/2004–12/2006 博士,湖北大学材料科学与工程学院,材料学专业
1.2016-2018 纳米矿物材料及应用教育部工程研究中心开放研究课题:生物矿化一步法制备中空/摇铃型介孔SiO2纳米微球(NGM2016KF012)
1.H Z Zhou, J C Luo, Q Gao,T T Yang*. Latex-templated biomineralization of silica nanoparticles with porous shell and their application for drug delivery.Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133 (46): 44200-44207, 2016.
2.G Q Liu, C L Zhu, J Xu, Y Xin,T T Yang, J Li, L Shi, Z G Guo, W M Liu. Thermo-responsive hollow silica microgels with controlled drug release properties.Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 111: 7-14, 2013.
3.Y Chen, Y B Zhang, L Shi, J Li, Y Xin,T T Yang, Z G Guo.Transparent superhydrophobic/ superhydrophilic coatings for self-cleaning and anti-fogging.Applied Physics Letters, 101, 033701, 2012.
4.L Yao,T T Yang, S Y Cheng.Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(fluorinated acrylate)/silica Hybrid Nanocomposites.Journal of Applied Polymer Science,115, 3500-3507, 2010.
5.M W Pi,T T Yang, J J Yuan, S. Fujii, Y Kakigi, Y Nakamura, S Y Cheng.Biomimetic synthesis of raspberry-like hybrid polymer–silica core–shell nanoparticles by templating colloidal particles with hairy polyamine shell.Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 78,193-199, 2010.
6.S G Chai, J Z Zhang,T T Yang,J J Yuan, S Y Cheng.Thermoresponsive microgel decorated with silica nanoparticles in shell: Biomimetic synthesis and drug release application.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 356, 32-39, 2010.
7.M Cha, J W Kim, J W Ha, I J Park, S B Lee,T T Yang, S Y Cheng. Self-emulsification and surface modification effect of fluorinated amphiphilic acrylate graft copolymers,Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 48, 4574-4582, 2010.
8.X L Li,T T Yang, Q Gao, J J Yuan, S Y Cheng. Biomimetic synthesis of copolymer–silica nanoparticles with tunable compositions and surface property.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 338, 99-104, 2009.
9.T T Yang, Q Liu, P Huang, S Y Cheng. Facile Poly(Fluorinated Acrylates)/SiO2Hybrid Nanoparticles Synthesized by Biomimetic Mineralization. The 11th Pacific Polymer Conference, 2009, 12.
10.T T Yang, H Peng, S Y Cheng, I J Park. Soap-free Emulsion Copolymerization of Perfluoroalkyl Acrylates in the Presence of a Reactive Surfactant.Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 104, 2238-2247, 2007.
11.T T Yang, H Peng, S Y Cheng, I J Park.Synthesis, Characterization and Surface Morphology of Shell-Crosslinked Latex Particles containing a Perfluoroacrylate Copolymer in the Shell.Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 104, 3277- 3284, 2007.
12.T T Yang, H Peng, S Y Cheng, I J Park.Characterization of a Low-Wettable Surface Based on Perfluoroalkyl Acrylate Copolymers.Journal of Fluorine Chemistry,127, 1105-1110, 2006.
13.T T Yang, H Peng, S Y Cheng, I J Park.Surface Immobilization of Perfluorinated Acrylate Copolymers by Self-crosslinking.Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 126, 1570-1577, 2005.
14.黄平,柴仕淦,袁建军,路国红,杨婷婷*,程时远. SiO2/聚合物核壳型杂化粒子及其空心结构的制备.化学进展, 24, 31-38, 2012.
15.黄平,杨婷婷*,袁建军,胡荣涛,程时远.疏水高分子介导可动芯SiO2杂化纳米粒子的仿生合成.高分子学报, 12, 1399-1408, 2012.
16.王娟,杨婷婷,彭慧,程时远.配位催化苯乙烯乳液聚合的动力学研究.高分子学报, 2011, 07: 718-723.
17.柴仕淦,张金枝,皮蒙唯,杨婷婷,袁建军,程时远.阳离子化热响应微凝胶的合成及在二氧化硅中的应用.高分子学报, 2, 178-184, 2010.
18.杨婷婷,徐莹莹,姚丽,彭慧,程时远. ATRP法合成两亲的含氟柱状刷PBIEM-g-(PAA-b-PFA).高分子学报, 11, 1146-1153, 2009.
19.杨婷婷,徐莹莹,程时远等.细乳液聚合制备阳离子型含氟烷基丙烯酸酯共聚物乳液.高分子学报, 2009, 4: 309.
20.李小青,柴仕淦,杨婷婷,高庆,袁建军,程时远.线性聚胺介导的SiO2杂化纳米粒子的仿生合成.应用化学, 2009, 26: 188.
21.杨婷婷,高庆,徐莹莹,李小龙,黄平,徐祖顺,程时远.杂交型含氟表面活性剂的制备和在弱阳离子织物三防整理剂中的应用. ZL 2010 1 0194655.9, 2012.